Space Group number | ICSD number | Chemical formula | |
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F. Tang*, S. Ono*, X. Wan, H. Watanabe, arXiv:2106.11985,Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 027001 (* equally contributed).
We change the Fermi level by hand through requiring the total number of electrons is 𝑁(𝜈+𝑥) where 𝑁 is the number of 𝑘 points, 𝜈 is the number of valence electrons per primitive unit cell, and 𝑥 ranges from −2 to 2. We cut [−2,2] to 𝑚 intervals as [𝑥_1=−2,𝑥_2 ), [𝑥_2,𝑥_3 ),…,[𝑥_𝑚,2]. For all values of 𝑥 in any interval, the numbers of occupied bands at high-symmetry points are all the same. Here the left side shows 𝑥_𝑖,𝑖=1,2,…,𝑚 and the right side shows the Fermi energy (in eV). Please click on each block to get the corresponding occupied irreducible representations at all high-symmetry points. (Attention should be paid for insulators, for which x=0, could correspond to a slightly hole-doped case.)
The occupied irreducible representations (following convention on the Bilbao sever) at all high-symmetry points for normal states.
Pairing symmetry by 1D irreducible representation of point group. Click on each pairing to obtain band labels.
Band labels for the pairing are shown in the second row. The third row shows the effective Altland-Zirnbauer classes. The last row shows the chiral-operation transformed irreducible representations.
Case I: Symmetry-enforced nodal superconductors. For this case, we show the position and type (P for point, L for line and S for surface) of the node(s); Case II: Gapped/Nodal topological superconductors. r is the expansion coefficient of BLs on BS bases. Case III: No topology detected. Case IV: Our approach is silent.
Note that for higher-dimensional irreducible representation characterizing the superconducting pairing symmetry, we add in the parentheses following the chemical formula: the original space group, its name of high-dimensional irreducible representation for superconducting pairing and the sub-space group label. The sub-space group label follows that in our paper, or you can find all the elements of the sub-space group in this website after you click on the chemical fomula.